The 2 Ways To Raise Your Identity


As mentioned at the end of the blog earlier this week titled “ You’ll Never Surpass Your Identity But..

There 2 ways to raise your identity,

1) Association; By being around others who are warmer than you in certain areas, fitness, faith, finance, relationships; you can meet their warmth through proximity and association.

Ever been at a party or dinner with your normal group of friends, and all of a sudden, a new guy or girl comes around, and that guys super shredded, and is crushing it in health and fitness, does it not make you and the other guys suck in that gut a little bit? LOL

Or in my case, I start out at my new job around guys who are eating clean, super intentional around their time and schedule, and over time, I noticed myself, being a notch more decisive on my food choices, and a bit more I clinched to schedule things and lay out events prior to attending them.

This is 100% proximity, I notice in the time of my day, feeling like I have more time although working a more lengthy schedule.

2) Accomplishing a lot, in a shorter amount of time than you ever have;

Ed Mylett puts it like raising the water line on a shore, once the line gets set it typically returns to the line.
But you must raise the line, and raise it fast.
Cut your spending to the bare minimum, and save more than you ever have, in a condensed period, like 2 months, and see what it feels like to see that number saved, and just how little you actually need to survive and thrive.
Once you expose yourself to that, in all places of your life, you realize it’s easier to ride the momentum created than to try and achieve without building momentum first.

A 3rd bonus way, because IM JUST THAT GOOD😌

3) Really dig down, your internal core values, and really define for yourself what a win, what success, what love, what passion, what happiness really looks like.

And then make a declaration, to take alignment to that vision, that picture you painted, to act in accordance and walk the walk of that life.

So many over look this, as it’s too easy to just say A million bucks, a Lamborghini, a fat house, full of women in bikini’s, when really most of us don’t truly align with all of those.

And your blurrying the communication between both The Universe/ God who WANTS to give to you,

and your future self who wants to watch you improve, break through, and ultimately create the change it knows you’re capable of.

God and The Universe, love cyclical effort and energy.

What you give, will be given back in return.

So with that declaration, make clear what you will give in value, in return for your goals and mission.

Once you’ve made a clear declaration, and a clear value exchange in return for your goals,

It becomes so much easier to see and execute, your new improved future identity..

Im considering starting an accountability program for you and me to get on calls weekly,

with deep discussion and tactical walk always to improve aspects of our life through, building momentum,

creating time,

establishing habits that will create confidence,

that will pay off over and over.

Shoot me a DM, if you’re interested and we’ll get on a call to talk more.


Alpha Of The Pack


You Wanna Know What’s “Cool”