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Act Outside Of Yourself, Just ONCE.

When you set your alarm in the morning, if you’re like me, you already set a couple more the night before to cushion your snoozes before you actually need to get up.

Now in search for discipline and confidence, just act outside of yourself, once.

It hit me one day, get up when you say you need to get up, better yet get up earlier.

the reason I say once is because that’s what it takes, we all know W’s lead to one more W, and also one L leads to another L.

We all wake up and have the opportunity to act outside of ourselves, that’s option #1 of our day.

My takeaway is the feeling of, doing things even when I don’t feel like it.

Do it once, and you’ll do it again.

Why do I want that feeling?
Specifically, when I know I need to work out but don’t feel like it, or eating what I know I should eat, or reading when I’m tired, I know that my mind will then work to protect myself, and make excuses why I would need this as opposed to that.

But when I train the muscle of acting outside of myself, I’m no longer a slave to my emotions or excuses.

I’m working to do things because they need to be done, not because I feel like doing them.

More and more, step by step.