Eliminate “What If”


The world we live in is cause and effect,

Don’t start out with some perfect diet or patch or supplement that will do the work for you.

We all know the rules, eat less, workout and you WILL lose a little weight.

Stop trying to skip the work,

with the thought of how you’ll feel.

Get started, and you’ll find out.

Course correct when needed,

but keep getting started.

My mother, was always straight forward with me from the jump,

things are black or white,

you’re either going to do it

or you’re not,

so stop worrying about all the rest,

the comparisons

the pros and cons

the “what if’s”

and answer the the first thing first,

Are you? OR Are you not?

Most people won’t succeed at anything they think of doing or try,

until all of their “what if’s” are answered,

and you’ll never truly get those questions answered.

The people you see, who are where you want to be,

stopped asking “What If”

and just started doing..

When is it your time?


Throttle Your Energy


Create Change YOU Believe In