Knowledge is POTENTIAL Power
Tom Bilyeu defines Power as,
The ability to close your eyes,
envision a world,
then open your eyes,
and make that world come true.
That world you envision, is the world the way you’d rather it be,
that world on your terms,
that world with solutions to problems you are lit up by, hopefully solved by YOU
This has no judgement,
you shouldn’t judge yourself,
it’s the world YOU want for yourself.
Now to make that world come true,
you’re going to need the SKILLSET needed to execute actions that make that world possible.
Now to gain the skillset,
you’re going to need the knowledge of what’s required,
to know what skills to build.
But this is where people get caught up,
they believe knowledge alone,
will create their ideal world.
More knowledge, wont do it either.
All the knowledge in the world,
still does not create change.
The world you want to come true, only comes closer with actions to create it.
Highly skilled action, repeated over a long period of time.
Longer than you think.
But knowledge, to get the skills,
and the skills put into practice,
then sharpened through experience, failure, and creativity,
can get you on the path to that world you imagine when you close your eyes.
Remember, this is all for what world YOU imagine for yourself.
The world doesn’t remember people for what they know,
But what they do.