The 2 Skills The Top 1% Use To Get What They Want In LIFE

There’s 2 skills to life that help you move through life seamlessly in any direction, and get what you want in life.

Those 2 Skills are Persuasion and Problem Solving

These are tactical skills, like tools, it’s not something that opens up another can of worms with all the sub topics and “what if’s” and here’s why -

Problem Solving

The skill of problem solving is boiled down to how you approach any delay, or point of tension.

The most important piece isn’t how many problems you can solve (most people don’t solve their own problems),

The most important piece is TIME.

How fast you approach the problem, and the speed which you do the things necessary to work towards a solution.

Every problem that comes up if not solved, will ALWAYS come back 10 fold.

10x more difficult

10x more time consuming

10x more energy consuming.

This is as intricate as a business problem, to conversations..

Conversations are difficult, which is why hard conversations are considered “hard conversations” lol

Let’s say a friend makes a joke about you in front of others, that you didn’t like

It hit a insecurity or something personal to you,

Let’s say you leave it alone (which is what most do)

You COULD take a moment to collect yourself, wait for the conversation to be over, and pull them aside and say something simple but direct like “Hey man, real quick, it’s not a big deal but I didn’t like the joke you said about me. It’s a personal thing and I assume you didn’t know.”

And they’d likely go “Oh sorry! My bad, won’t happen again”

And you can say “No problem, and thank you”

Boom, problem solved.

What likely happens, is this..

You hear the joke,

It hurts you,

You laugh and brush it off,

But you still look at them a different way,

You might think about it more that night, the next week,

They have no idea they hurt you,

And 2 months down the road you’re with the friends and they say it again,

This time you lash out and maybe say hurtful things about them, with intention to hurt them back,

And now they’re surprised, it might even escalate because you wanted to hurt them,

Now the group thinks it’s awkward, now they look at you a different way and now an entire friendship is on its decline.

That would’ve never happened if you just solved it right away.

See how the little speed bump slowly turns into a mountain that you now have to fix?

Solve things fast and early (with love if you can) and it halts the possibility for it to come back.

Sales (Persuasion)

A lot of you may view this as a negative skillset, but if one skill set affects you in a positive way does it make the skill negative?

Persuasion is the most valuable skill to have in the 21st century.

You are a salesperson, whether you believe it or not.

You persuade unconsciously all of the time.

In any occupation, in any friendship or relationship you’re in,

You’re persuading and influencing to a certain outcome.

Whether you’re selling a product, trying to get your kids to go to bed, or convincing your friend to watch your favorite Netflix show, you’re working the muscle of sales & persuasion.

Here’s a list of MORE areas where persuasion shows up :

  • Trying to land a job

  • Trying to get a raise

  • Trying to get someone to sleep with you

  • Trying to pick a restaurant with someone

The list goes on and on.

Persuasion and sales can get you into places where your character and morals can’t.

For someone to even discover those “moral” things about you, they’d have to be convinced to get to know you in the first place.

You have some degree of power, influence and status right now but only some use it for what they want.

If your strategy to success is to be nice and noble you will be pushed aside by mean people and they will have more of an impact than you.

If you let yourself get pushed aside, you’re not as noble as you say you are because the general knowing is that of those who are assholes and bad people.

If you want to get ahead in life, have a life of meaning, listen to what you say, spread your beliefs and influence those who you believe you can help, you’ll need to cultivate these 2 skills.

Persuasion builds the plane,

Problem solving keeps the plane going.

Go and fly friend ✈️


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