The Law Of Diminishing INTENT

says :

The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it.

The two main ways this registers for me, are in daily to-do’s, and in opportunity.

Let’s break down both.

  1. The Daily To-Do’s, now if you’ve read this blog long enough you know that daily to-do’s are a breakdown of activities that are to be executed (as in clear, black or white, did or did not do them, not “research, or listen to, or read some vague amount).

    So if you want to get to your ideal physique, you would have or have not exercised, and tracked food for the day that leads you to the desired outcome down the road.

    Its up to us to set the intention of when we work out, when the time comes, if we put it off because of work, or a phone call, or a different activity it drops our likelihood of working out by lets say 50%, probably accurate considering the way I’ve struggled with this in the past.

    When you set an intention, with clear times and numbers to hit, don’t wait, don’t open the door to that game we’ve all played where we say we’ll do it later.

The inconvenience of getting your work done, is much lighter than the inconvenience of being someone who is incapable of keeping promises to themself.

2. Opportunity, as my mentor Bedros Keuilian would say “The Universe rewards massive action”.

This applies directly to this Law, see whenever that brilliant idea hits, or that solution to our problem appears,

When we delay implementing, the Universe conspires against us.

On this higher power side of things (if you believe in this sorta thing like I do), How many of you have had this happen to you? You have a bright idea for a business or product and 2 weeks later you see it on the shelves somewhere, or you scroll past an ad and go “DAMN I TOUGHT OF THAT LIKE 3 MONTHS AGO!

You see that bright idea you had, gets sent out to the rest of the world as seeds, and guess what, someone less qualified, with less resources, and worse circumstances will execute and act on that idea simply because they refuse to delay and chose to act

So when you have the solution, the idea, the shiny object, ACT and let the universe conspire with you to make it a reality.

At the next level, you’re probably asking how do I ensure I don’t go acting on 10 different things at the same time?

Which we all know this person right? They pursue some career, modeling, acting, music and the next time they promote they also work on cars, or train people in fitness, and then on the next story they’re talking about their actual job and how they can help..

Because they’re juggling 5 different things, you never really trust that they’re putting their all into any 1 of them, so you don’t buy, subscribe or share.. I don’t blame you.

If we marry that idea with how Alex Hormozi has spoke about Opportunity,

You’d never be this person by running idea’s through these 3 filters :

  1. Current State of Market

    • How many current users, customers, subscribers, exist that have access to the product.

      Ex. Cellphones, everybody has a cell phone, Consensus : GREAT! Brilliant idea

  2. Scalability of Product (Capability to grow)

    • How many users can we convert to using our product, and what’s our capacity to get more non-users on board?

      Ex. Many people have cell phones, but they tend to stick with a service they’re happy with (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.) so our likelihood to scale isn’t very high, Consensus : BAD, BAD idea

  3. Ease of Implementation

    • How easy or hard would it be to have our solution implemented?

    • Ex. We’d have to build cell phone towers, which would cost millions to compete, we’d compete against billions in advertising, and the cost of building trust, and having a support team to handle inevitable service issues would be too high, Consensus : BAD, Cost is too high to implement for what resources we currently have.

Overall Consensus : Do not start a cell service company.

Run your next idea through those 3 filters and youll know which ideas to pursue, and which ones not to pursue.

When you come across one that hits all three, and you have access to the resources needed to implement,



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