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The TRUTH About Your “Glass Ceiling”

When you imagine a “glass ceiling”

It falls under the umbrella of self sabotage, limiting beliefs, and the reason you roller coaster with your goals.

Picture the glass ceiling,

Its glass so you can see your goal, it’s clear as day and it’s so close! It’s right there!

The call to action then goes to your “break through” moment..

You’ve got to BREAK THROUGH your glass ceiling!

Expecting to see some singular moment, a point in time where your break through happens.

But here’s the truth..

What if I told you that that “glass ceiling” is unbreakable..

And what if that glass ceiling was on a slider, just like an elevator.

You can see through it, you can see the ultimate goal above you, but you’ve gotta ram that shoulder against it and push that motherfucker yourself.

And it’s going to take a lot more effort than you think to get that thing to budge.

Ask yourself, am I pushed up against that glass ceiling today?

Am I pushing my nutrition to that level?

Am I pushing my physical fitness up?

Am I pushing that glass ceiling up and towards my goals?

Or am I just sitting there complaining that that glass ceiling won’t move..

Let me tell you, that glass is truly in breakable, there’s no breakthrough moment.

You push up against it, you become the person that’s worthy of that goal,

You grab those milestones, those goals, those achievements on the way up, and maximize the hell out of your potential and see how high that shit can go.

But, you’ve got to be pressed up against it daily, and fuck the bullshit your guru’s will tell you, it’ll slide back down on you bringing you right back to where you started.