Why You Should Read Books (If You Don’t Read Books)

Let me start off by saying, don’t think that reading 300 books is better than applying and living by the principles of 4-5 solid books 📚

Let that be a piece of advice directly from, your dog himself lol.

Reason is, as Gary Vee would say, theres really only like 13 different truths out there, the reason you listen to one guy or gal over the next, is because the deliver it in a way that penetrates exactly the way you need to hear it.

Whether it’s making more money, building a lasting relationships, becoming a better human, losing weight and keeping it off, the science is just that, a science.

There’s principles and formulas that if you follow, you’'ll reach the desired outcome.

So let me break down a couple reasons why you hold be reading (And I don’t mean 50 Shades of Bullshit)

  • You’re taking someones decades, and turning them into days.

    Somebody spent decades of their life, tons of mistakes, regrets, lessons, dollars wasted, sacrifices, and was generous enough to remember it all and put it in writing for you to digest and read in a matter of days. Let alone like.. $22 bucks?

  • There’s no way that we just have it all figured out.

    We can’t think to imagine, that in our 28 years or whatever of being here that we just got it all solved. If that was the case you would'n’t be reading my blog now would you (I suppose if I had things figured out, I also wouldn’t be here writing it would I😂). We would already be where we wanted to be. We need to be spoken to from a voice of someone whose been there done that, in order to achieve the growth we’re looking for.

  • Like a therapist, there’s likely questions involved that you never thought to ask yourself.

    Most things holding people back, is that we don’t know what we don’t know. How can we expect to be somewhere we haven’t been, without doing what we haven’t done, or knowing what we don’t know? Just like most things, once you break past the surface level of Real Estate, Golf, Working Out, or Jiu-Jitsu. Theres an entire world beyond the surface.

  • AGAIN, don’t think reading 500 books is better. I know REAL Multi-Millionaires who live by the principles of 2-3 books.

    Implementing, trumps learning every time. If you aren’t implementing fast as or faster than you are learning, you’re just hoarding information. Which does nobody any good.

You guys remember that scene from The Matrix, the part where Neo is first plugged in to the Matrix

He is talking with Tank, and Tank is telling him he’s skipping over the operation programs, and instead going to download his Combat Training, and Neo questions “Jiu-Jitsu?.. Im going to learn.. Jiu-Jitsu?..”

With a big screech of a sound, the screen shaking, Keanu Reeve’s eyes wincing in pain, and 2 seconds later a harsh stop..

Keanu eyes burst open, catching his breath saying “HOLY SHIT..”

Tank goes “I think he likes ittt-

How about some more?”

Neo replies “Hell Yes.. *still panting.. Hell Yea..”

Tae Kwon Doe, Drunken Boxing flashing across Tank’s computer screen..

“10 hours straight” Tank says..

and of course, Neo wakes up and proclaims “I know Kung Fu” with Morpheus replying before the most badass fight scene of all time, “Show me..”

That action right there, the downloading of information is our worlds equivalent to reading. Its our version of plugging into The Matrix.

You can learn anything you want, by plugging ourself in.

Our download speed is around 2-3 weeks, but any skill out there is achievable by accessing the right information.

So go ahead, plug in.


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