You’ll Never Surpass Your Identity But..


One will never surpass his identity..

BUT you can set your identity above and beyond where your life is now..

and you raise the odds that your life,

catches up with your identity..

Part of the reason some maybe get off to a great start

and then fall off is because their life had surpassed the identity they held for themselves..

Their subconscious and conscious mind brought them back to at or below their identity..

We all have a tolerance, Ed Mylett and Tony Robbins refer to it as a Thermostat

and each box of our life, wether it be finances, fitness, family, relationship, faith..

They each sit at a certain temperature,

So let’s say our fitness is at 78°,

and when life gets intense in our fitness, we’re dieting, we’re meal prepping, we’re working out, doing cardio..

and that Fitness Thermostat goes up to 100° in fitness..

Our subconscious mind, our actions our beliefs, our IDENTITY subtly bring us back down to 78°..

And hey this works the other way, let’s say we cool down on our health and fitness..

We start overeating, over indulging, really bringing it home and enjoying a tad too much..

We see the gut get a little bigger than we’re used to seeing, we feel a little more exhausted going up the stairs, that same subconscious mind and identity will absolutely light up our body and mind to bring us back to about where we’re comfortable being..

The point is, you can always raise your identity, and work to have the current reality go up to meet that identity you set for yourself.

Consequentially, you will never be able surpass your own identity..

This week, I’ll show you the ONLY 2 ways to raise your identity..

Best regards,


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