Keep it Neutral
I see a place for it all, I get it.
The pull of positivity, the dreams and light of the future.
But we cannot believe that because we conceived a future, that we then somehow deserve it.
We all know though, that when you tell yourself these false “affirmations”, your spirit, your body, your mind, all of it, calls bullshit.
The negativity, I have seen and felt, can put you in a place that can push you and provide strength where there seems to be none.
But we cannot live there, it will eat you inside, it can push you through momentarily, but your mind and actions will move to prove your negative words, as true.
The best thing we can do, is to keep it neutral.
The dreams are there for you to take, the load is there for you to take, the shoulders are there for you to build.
That dream requires the same amount of work for you, and everybody, and it’s absurd for you to think that that dream moves it’s way backwards to you.
If we know saying “I’m a millionaire”
causes our brain to call BS,
and “I’ll never be a millionaire”,
will prove itself to be true,
” I’m not a millionaire, YET “
“ I’m not where I want to be, YET “
” I’m not great at this thing, YET “
Now that, that gives you a starting point, you can then plan, it’s neutral, neither way, you become aware of the work, and you can then choose to act in ways towards your goal, or accept anything else is moving away from your goals.